SAMSUNG Digital Home Appliances Design Story Book
Design story book and package for SAMSUNG Digital Home Appliances, texted in Korean and English, A little thoughtfulness makes all the difference.
January 2015.
삼성의 디자인 철학이 담긴 삼성의 디지털 가전 스토리북을 만들었습니다. 중심 주제는 "조금의 사려 깊음이 모든 차이를 만든다"는 것으로 브이에이는 이를 효과적으로 전달하기 위해 삶을 더 행복하게 해주는 창의적이고 혁신적인 방법들, 예를 들어 즉석 카메라, 점자, 고무 타이어의 개발의 이유와 의미를 통해서 은유적으로 전달하였습니다. 또한 이미지 생산에 있어서 삼성의 제품과 서비스에서 사용자가 '사려 깊음'을 직간접적으로 느낄 수 있는 부분에 집중하여 촬영을 진행하였습니다.
We created Samsung’s digital home appliances storybook to inform people about the company’s philosophy of design. Its central theme, "a little thoughtfulness makes all the difference," is illustrated in a number of ways, such as the development of the instant camera, which let people see photos they’d taken immediately, and the Braille alphabet, which enabled seeing-impaired people to read by using their sense of touch. Innovations like these were developed by people who wanted to make the world a happier place for everyone. That’s why thoughtfulness is the greatest “design” of all. Designing our products and services with care and thoughtfulness helps us get closer to our customers. It aids us to better understand how they think and feel, and helps us find more creative and innovative ways to make their lives happier. Our goal was to see these thoughts reflected in the imagery and the concept of this book—especially in its movement from the micro to the macro, from the small to the large.
Design story book and package for SAMSUNG Digital Home Appliances, texted in Korean and English, A little thoughtfulness makes all the difference.
January 2015.
삼성의 디자인 철학이 담긴 삼성의 디지털 가전 스토리북을 만들었습니다. 중심 주제는 "조금의 사려 깊음이 모든 차이를 만든다"는 것으로 브이에이는 이를 효과적으로 전달하기 위해 삶을 더 행복하게 해주는 창의적이고 혁신적인 방법들, 예를 들어 즉석 카메라, 점자, 고무 타이어의 개발의 이유와 의미를 통해서 은유적으로 전달하였습니다. 또한 이미지 생산에 있어서 삼성의 제품과 서비스에서 사용자가 '사려 깊음'을 직간접적으로 느낄 수 있는 부분에 집중하여 촬영을 진행하였습니다.
We created Samsung’s digital home appliances storybook to inform people about the company’s philosophy of design. Its central theme, "a little thoughtfulness makes all the difference," is illustrated in a number of ways, such as the development of the instant camera, which let people see photos they’d taken immediately, and the Braille alphabet, which enabled seeing-impaired people to read by using their sense of touch. Innovations like these were developed by people who wanted to make the world a happier place for everyone. That’s why thoughtfulness is the greatest “design” of all. Designing our products and services with care and thoughtfulness helps us get closer to our customers. It aids us to better understand how they think and feel, and helps us find more creative and innovative ways to make their lives happier. Our goal was to see these thoughts reflected in the imagery and the concept of this book—especially in its movement from the micro to the macro, from the small to the large.

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